New in Smartsheet: Dashboard Color Themes

Color themes are key to creating stunning dashboards in Smartsheet and taking your data visualization to the next level. This article describes Color Themes, a new feature in Smartsheet.

With this new feature, you can now use pre-designed color themes. All of these themes are easy to read and use colors to highlight data points. Of course, you can also create your own custom colors.

The introductory article isplease use this form.However, at the time of posting, only the English version is available, so I will briefly introduce it.

color theme

Color themes can be accessed from the menu on the top right of the dashboard, as shown in the image below.

Deep Space

Deep Space Color Scheme Smartsheet Dashboard

sunny surf

Smartsheet Dashboard with Sunny Surfing Color Scheme


Smartsheet Dashboard with Forest Color Scheme

starry night

Smartsheet Dashboard with Starry Color Scheme

パ ス テ ル

Smartsheet dashboard with pastel color scheme


Smartsheet dashboard with retro color scheme


Smartsheet Dashboard with Standard Colors

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