Smartsheet Desktop App Now Available

The Smartsheet Desktop App was released on February 2023, XNUMX.
Compared to the use of current browsers, tabs are arranged horizontally in one application, and when many tabs are opened in the browser, sheet names are hidden in other information and it is difficult to understand which content is the target. The disappearance situation has improved.
Also, startup time seems to be faster, and I think it's because Smartsheet functionality itself doesn't need to be pulled from the cloud.

About desktop appsHelp articleThere is only an English version yet, so while translating it into Japanese (partially paraphrased), I will try to explain it by adding points that I noticed after actually using it.

(Less than,this coloris the point of notice of Cloudsmart. )

Points: Improved tabs, faster startup speed, can't be used offline,DownloadNecessary

With tabs for all of Smartsheet's content in one app, along with convenient menus, you'll have better access to the content you need.In particular, icons for sheets, reports, dashboards, forms, etc. are displayed, so you can quickly find the desired content.

Also, since it is not necessary to load Smartsheet itself, the startup speed is improved, and the information of the tab that was opened immediately before seems to be retained.

In addition, unlike Excel, it cannot be used completely offline, and an Internet connection is required.
In particular,Cells can be edited but not saved when there is no internet connection.However, the editing status is kept in memory even offline, and it seems that the edited contents can be saved when the Internet connection is restored.

Smartsheet Desktop App
Desktop App opened in Windows

The desktop app gives you direct access to Smartsheet from the horizontal taskbar within the app.
You can also receive Smartsheet notifications even after Smartsheet is minimized.

The Smartsheet desktop application has the same functionality as the web application, but you'll need to download the desktop application for your operating system.

Comparison of tabs with browsers such as Chrome

The image below shows the same content opened in Chrome Brower, but the Desktop App above displays only sheet names, etc. on tabs, making it easier to navigate to the desired content.

same contents in chrome browser

The bottom is an enlarged view of the tabs, but in the chrome browser, the number of notifications is displayed and only part of the sheet name is displayed, making it difficult to check the sheet name.

In chrome browser, the number of notifications is displayed and only part of the sheet name is displayed

Until now, I thought that (XNUMX) was in the way, but this time, I found that the number of notifications is displayed, so I dared to mark all notifications as read below. It's an image.

If you mark all notifications as read, it will be refreshing even in Chrome Browser.

In the first place, in order to make it easier to see the sheet name etc. in the browser,Marking all unacknowledged notifications as read is also not a good idea.andLook for the Smartsheet tab among all other open tabs in your browserGiven that, I think Desktop App tabs are great because they make it easier to focus on your work outside of Smartsheet.

Icons for sheets, reports, dashboards, etc. are displayed

Although it is not mentioned in the English version of the help article, I feel that the fact that this icon is displayed is the most convenient.

Desktop App Icons Recognize Content Types Such as Folders, Sheets, Dashboards, Reports, and FormsOn the other hand, the browser icon is just an icon that indicates that it is Smartsheet, soDesktop App has more informationLet's say.

Icons for folders, dashboards, reports, sheets, etc. are displayed

The same design is used compared to the shortcut icon on the dashboard below, On the browser, it is very convenient to be able to judge whether it is a sheet or a report if it has the same name, but it can be judged by the iconI think it 's.


Improved boot speed

When launching the application

When you launch the Smartsheet app in your browser, it may take some time for Smartsheet to load itself. Desktop App has improved this point,As long as there are no changes such as the addition of new functions, it will start up instantly.

Keep open tabs

It seems that the information of the tab opened immediately before is retained.
After shutting down or restarting Windows, after sleeping and restarting, closing and reopening the Desktop App, the speed is slightly different, but you can access the tabs that were open just before.

After sleep, after closing Desktop App

The memory seems to be retained and open tabs pop up quickly unless I shut it down.For example, if you wake up after sleeping in Windows, you can immediately access all the content (tabs) you were working on.
However, when I tried it after sleeping overnight, I was asked to log in to Smartsheet for each tab. (In addition, since there was no such phenomenon on another PC, I will investigate whether the setting etc. are related.)


After shutdown or restart

It seems that the information of the open tab is retained, and it takes time to load, but the previous tab is restored.

Download the Smartsheet Desktop Application

Enable browser extensions to get the most out of your desktop app experience.

(→ I will explain later,Open the same content in a browser from a tab in Desktop Appand becomes possible. )

For Windows.

Windows appsDownloadTo do.

Enable browser extensions.On the final screen of the installer, select click here to manage your extensions.

For Mac 

Download the app for Mac. 

In the top left of the app, select Help > Manage Extensions.

System requirements

  • Windows 10 version 21h1 or higher
  • Mac x64 or M1 version 12 or higher
  • 500 MB of disk space
  • 300 MB RAM
  • Recommended environment
  • 1.6GHz or faster processor
  • 1 GB RAM

Comparison of memory usage between desktop app and Chrome Browser

When comparing the same content open as shown below, the result is that the Smartsheet Desktop App uses slightly more memory.

It seems that the Chrome browser uses not only Smartsheet but also the memory usage of common parts used for other purposes, so in terms of memory usage, the browser is more advantageous, but it is not a big difference, so tabs I think Desktop App is still more advantageous because of ease of use such as.

Smartsheet Desktop App uses slightly more memory

useful function

Tab right-click menu

Right-click on the Smartsheet tab for a list of drop-down options.
Most of them are related to opening and closing tabs and moving, but other functions that may be useful are listed below.

  • Copy Link
    • Copy link.
  • Reload Tab
    • Reload
  • Open in browser
    • open in browser

Be careful when using Shortcuts

same as normal

  • Control + SIZE
  • Control + V
  • Control + F
  • Control + /

Note the following shortcuts

Ctrl+W, Ctrl+Q are shortcuts that are often used in Chrome Brower, etc., but it should be noted that Desktop App behaves differently than Chrome Brower. is closed.
Fortunately, the history of open tabs is retained, so if you open the app again, it will be restored, but it's a little frustrating.
Cloudsmart is Chrome Browser etc.,PreviousTab I'm using an extension that moves to the tab I was browsing just before, but this is Ctrl + Q, and Ctrl + W isChrome keyboard shortcutsSo, you need to be careful because it's a shortcut that you often use to "close the current tab".

  • Ctrl+W
    • Close the window (just minimize it and fit it in the taskbar, so don't worry)
  • Control + Q
    • Note that the Desktop App itself will be closed.
    • It seems to reload the content when restarting, so it takes a little bit of time.
Ctrl+Q : close smartsheet desktop app

Tips for using the desktop app

  • Each item in Smartsheet opens in its own tab.
  • Click, drag, and drop tabs like you would browser tabs.or,Right click on the tab and go from the menuYou can also.
  • You can have up to 100 tabs open at once.
  • Click the overflow button next to the rightmost tab to reveal hidden tabs.
  • Use the arrow buttons in the top left (above the home icon) to scroll through items.
  • even when you are not actively working with desktop notification badgeinforms you of unread notifications and pending requests.


  • How much does the desktop app cost?
    • The app is free.
  • Has the Smartsheet desktop app undergone an independent security review?
    • The Smartsheet desktop app has passed a cyber security review (CSR) conducted by an independent third party.We provide third-party vendor certification upon request. To request a copy of the CSR certificate, please contact
  • What authentication models does your desktop application support?
    • Desktop apps use the same authentication schemes as web applications.
  • How can I check the latest version of the desktop app?
    • The Smartsheet desktop app will automatically detect the new version, download the latest version, and prompt you to restart the application.
  • How can I provide feedback on the desktop app?
    • Go to the help menu and select Send Feedback.
  • I get a 403 error message and no Workapp or Dashboard content.How can I access this content?
    • If you get an error that prevents you from viewing Workapp or Dashboard content, right-click an open tab and select Open in Browser to view the content in your default web browser, or open your default browser. Go to the Smartsheet page you want to access.

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