I tried the form normalization function

As a new function, I tried it because it seems that you can restrict input to numbers, email addresses, numbers, phone numbers,% in the form.

In conclusion, I think Google Forms integration is more accurate, but I think it's a good way to validate a simple form. (Telephones cannot be used in Japan)

First, try using your email address.

Google Forms integration Will be explained at another time.

You can now create Validatio as shown on the right side.
You will be warned if you enter an incomplete email address. (English)

Then try the phone number.

Validation can now be done as shown on the right side.
It can be used for the time being, but it may be a little difficult to use if the phone number is from an international number.Mitaka City smartphone number 0422-45-1151 will be strange.

It was added like this.

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