Functions are now available for contacts

Meaning that functions can be used for contacts

Now that you can use functions to specify contact emails, automation is even more convenient.Until now, functions could not be used, so it was necessary to write a complicated workflow, but since functions can be used, it is now possible to easily specify the person in charge etc. with VLOOKUP etc.

As an example, let's automatically assign a person in charge based on the inquiry classification of the inquiry form.

Example of assigning personnel according to the content of the inquiry

First, the followingAllocation table of persons in charge corresponding to the contents of the inquiryTo make.
For example, if a network product is selected in the form, try to assign the corresponding to the person in charge.

The following in the column of chargeSet the VLOOKUP formulaTo do.

Test on form

Let's try specifying the delivery status in the form.
In addition, in the form, the person in charge is hidden, the correspondence status is hidden, and the specified value has not been started.

If you look at the targeted sheet, a new row will be added and the email address corresponding to the person in charge will be entered.

By using the function for the contact in this way, the person in charge can be automatically assigned by referring to the person in charge table created in advance.

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