Create documents using sheet row data: Smartsheet Document Builder


Using the document builder, one of Smartsheet's convenient features, you can create various documents based on sheet data.For example, you can dramatically reduce the time spent manually entering estimates, invoices, reports, etc. and improve operational efficiency.In this article, we will introduce how to use Document Builder and some examples of its use. Smartsheet help articlesplease use this form..

What you can do with Smartsheet's Document Builder

With Smartsheet's document builder, you can:

  • Create filterable PDF templates to generate each row of a sheet as a separate document.
  • Sheet columns with blank spaces or text boxes in the templateMap your data automaticallydo. (The image above maps column data to a quote.)
  • Download generated documents or attach them to sheet rowsYou can do it.
  • It can handle various types of data and can map text, numbers, dates, etc.

Instructions for using the document builder

To use Document Builder, follow these steps:

  1. Open the sheet you want to create a document builder for.
  2. Select the lines you want to generate as a document.
  3. Right-click the selected row and selectDocument generation…"Choose. (image above)
  4. A document builder window opens. Now select the template and paste the column data into the fields within the template.mappingTo do. (Fillable PDFCreating is the most time consuming. Industry standard AdobeThis articlePlease refer to etc. )
  5. Click Generate to create a document according to the selected rows.

The image below was generated using Document Builder and attached to a row.

Document builder usage scenarios

Document Builder can be used in a variety of situations. For example, you can use it like this:

  • Automatically generate quotes and invoices for each customer.
  • Create project reports for each member.
  • Automatically update product and inventory lists.
  • Generate attendance sheets and meeting minutes.


Smartsheet's document builder is a powerful tool for creating documents quickly and efficiently. In addition to reducing manual input errors and time, by automating the creation of documents based on data, you can improve work efficiency and productivity. Also, although omitted here,Through automation, it is also possible to automatically create and send documents when certain conditions are met.. Please take advantage of it.

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