4. Column

For columns in Smartsheet, you can specify a special column type to make the sheet easier and more convenient to use.Columns define data types in Smartsheet and bring out powerful features such as views, forms, automations, filters, and reports.Check out the information in this study topic to find out how to choose the right column type for your data.

Video explaining column types

Column type reference

You can use column types to better manage the data that a column allows.It is possible to select a specific type and unify the data to be input. Smartsheet works with default columns and configurable columns.

Default column

On all sheetsPrimary columnthere is.This column is required and cannot be removed from the sheet.The value in this column is mainly used to describe the row.Must be column typeIt will be a "string / number" column. You cannot change the column type of the primary column (for more information, seeWorking on Primary Columns: Overview and Best Practices"please look at)

To the left of the primary column, next to the row number, there is a column with an icon that provides information about each row.Hover over the header Hide Columns You can hide the column by clicking.

Primary column

The primary column is described as "the value in this column is usually the main descriptor for each row" and can be described as a row nameplate.Whenever you import from Excel or Google Sheets, you will be asked to specify which column should be the primary column.

Card heading

The contents of this column are always displayed in Card View.

Indentation criteria

In practice, I think it's most important to be the reference column when indenting rows.Since the smart sheet logically organizes row-by-row information in a tree structure by row indentation, you can think of it as a row nameplate that uses the contents of the primary column as its descriptor. I think.

Configurable columns

String / number

This column type can be a string, a number, or a combination of the two.Strings / numbers are great for long-entry comment columns, number-based columns, such as estimated costs for budget tracking sheets.

For the String / Number column, click the column header on the left toolbar [Currency format] , [Percentage format] Click the buttonFormatting appliedAnd you can view the currency and percentage formats by value.

Note: If the first character of a number is 0, followed by another number or character, the number is preceded by an apostrophe (') and saved as a string.This allows you to leave the first 0 and display it as a number.If you want to save the number as a number (for example, if you want to calculate with that number), you need to double-check the cell and remove the apostrophe (') and the first 0.

Contact list column

Great for columns such as Assigned to, Owner, Approver, and so on.This column type allows you to assign rows to collaborators with whom the sheet is shared and contacts in the My Smartsheet Contacts list.Also, use the Contact List column to reach collaborators with whom the sheet is shared.Send remindersOr view a list of tasks assigned to a particular team memberGenerate a reportIt is also possible to do.

When using this column type,valueYou can specify the desired contact value in the field.You can enter only contact names and email addresses, names only, or email addresses in this list.

Column property setting screen

If you set the contacts to be displayed preferentially in the "Contact List" column,You can quickly contact us by clicking the drop-down arrow in the Contact List cell or in the corresponding Smartsheet form field.The cell shows the contacts and email addresses assigned to different rows in the sheet.

Note: The Smartsheet form fields associated with the Contact List column will only show the contacts you want to prioritize.If you haven't set a priority contact, the sender of the form must enter the contact name or email her address instead of selecting from the list.

You can manually enter the new contact name or email address in the cell to add it to the list.Contact information My Smartsheet Contact List , User Management window If it's added to (Available in Business or Enterprise Plans), start typing your name or email address and you'll see suggestions for easy selection.

Assign in charge

Tip: If you start typing your name or email and the list doesn't resolve automatically, then you don't have a contact that matches what you typed.Adding a contact to the list ensures that the contact is running a report or sending a reminder.Cell drop down arrow  Click [Add new] Select to add contacts to the list and assign them to rows at the same time.

To remove a name or email address from the AutoResolve drop-down list, remove the appropriate one from the other cells in the column and the Edit Column Properties window. When you type in the Contact List column, the users who share the sheet are always listed as suggestions.

Date column

This column type displays a date selection calendar in the cell, making it easy for collaborators to select a date.You can manually enter the date orKeyboard shortcutsYou can use to enter in a cell.Enable dependencies orCalendar view You need a "Date" column in the sheet to display items in.

Of your Smartsheet account [Personal settings] The date is displayed in the format set in.

Select a date on the calendar

Drop-down list (single selection) column

This column type displays a drop-down list that makes it easy to select a single value.

Selecting this column type allows you to enter the values ​​to display in the list.You must enter the values ​​in the drop-down list one per line (press Enter or Return on your keyboard to move to the next line).

To delete an item in the drop-down list, select it with the mouse and press the Backspace or Delete key.

For more information on the Drop-Down List column, seeArticles on how to use the Drop-Down List column to ensure data consistency.

Drop-down list (multiple selection) column

This column type displays a drop-down list that allows you to easily select one or more values.Selecting this column type allows you to enter the values ​​to display in the list.You must enter the values ​​in the drop-down list one per line (press Enter or Return to move to the next line).

Selecting a value in a drop-down list for multiple selection

For more information on the Drop-Down List column, seeArticles on how to use the Drop-Down List column to ensure data consistency.

Use single-select and multi-select drop-down lists properly

When the multi-select drop-down list was added, I thought it was useful.However, the multi-select drop-down list cannot be used in the following cases.

If you need a single-choice drop-down list
  • When the column item is a card view lane
  • If you want to select with a button in the form
Be careful when selecting multiple contacts (persons in charge)
  • Similarly, for contacts (persons in charge), you cannot use them in the above cases unless you make a single selection.
  • For the issue of multiple selection of the person in charge (responsible person) in project management, please see the following article.

"Checkbox" column

This column type displays a checkbox that you can easily turn it on and off.If no data is entered for the other columns in the same row, the checkbox will not be displayed and you will not be able to turn it on or off by clicking on the cell.

"Symbol" column

Symbols are displayed for this column type.Suitable for visually highlighting row status etc.

You cannot add your own (customized) symbol to a column.

The list of symbols that can be used isSymbols that can be used in the Symbol columnYou can see it in the article about.

Automatic numbering / system column

With this column type, the system automatically generates a value if data is populated for other columns in the same row.The automatic numbering feature is useful for assigning line IDs, part numbers, invoice numbers, or customer numbers without having to manually enter numbers. The System column shows who created each row, who last updated it, when it was created, and when it was last modified.

When set, the System column is blank. [keep] Click to save the sheet and the value will be generated.

For more information, seeAutomatic numbering line"and"System column."