6 Update request

Explanation video (first half) Update request function and manual request

Update request function

Request updates for specific row and column information without sharing a sheet

Usually, both Google documents and sheets need to be shared in order to be edited.
However, a Smartsheet update request can request a specified row and column update without sharing the sheet.
this is,When working with many businessesIt is very convenient for such things.
Not the entire sheet is shared, soThere is no fear of sharing information that you do not want to see,Also,Recipients of update requests can quickly make the necessary updates by providing only the information they need.

You can update without a Smartsheet account

It's also very convenient to be able to update without a Smartsheet account.
If you want to keep the information you manage up to date, such as vendors and subcontractors, it's a hassle if you have to create a Smartsheet even if you meet with a free account.
But,Update requests can be updated without a Smartsheet account, so if you know the email of the person requesting the update, you can easily send the update request by email.

Manual update request

Update requests are described in the Smartsheet help article as being automated using the workflow described below.You can also manually make an update request.
Below isFilterSelect a task that is not 100% complete for a specific person (Mr. Sumado), and select those rows.right clickAnd I'm about to send an update request.

An example of setting a filter and manually sending a multi-line update request
An example of setting a filter and manually sending a multi-line update request

Below is an image of the update request received by Mr. Sumado's mail box.
You can see that multiple rows are selected and the columns specified in the settings in the previous figure are displayed.

I have just clicked "Open window for update" to display the window for update.
You can refresh another row by refreshing this page and clicking "Next" at the bottom right.

Image of multi-line update request
Image of multi-line update request

Explanation video (second half) Automatic update request by workflow

Automatically request task updates

Workflow automation of update requests

Update a part of the sheet to the user with the latest informationYou can set it to trigger an action that automatically asks you to.For example, when a user is assigned to a task, you can configure his Smartsheet to automatically send an update request to that user requesting updates to that task's status and estimated effort.

Automated At the top of the sheet to start creating Automation> Update Request Click in the order of.

Update request action block

Update requests can be sent using your email address to users who have automation permission settings (this).The original sheet does not have to be shared by the user).For more information, seeSharing permission level"and"Control which users receive alerts and request notifications."

Manage pending update requests

You can see completed and pending update requests, and delete pending requests that you think have already been addressed.
In the right sidebar of the seat"Update Request" iconClick.

Click the header to sort the requests.for example,[Send date] Click to sort the requests by sending date.

If the request field is displayed as read-only

Depending on the situation in which the sheet uses cells, you may not be able to edit the information from the update request.These cells must be signed in to Smartsheet and then edited directly in Sheet.

The following fields are displayed as read-only in update requests.

  • Field containing formula
  • Dependent Start Date and End Date (Editable Period field)
  • Predecessor task (this field does not appear in update requests)
  • Locked column

About displaying locked rows and columns

  • If the recipient of the update request has sharing permissions below the editor level of the sheet, the locked rows will be sent as included in the update request, but cannot be edited.
  • If the recipient of the update request has sheet owner or administrator-level sharing privileges, you can edit locked rows and columns from the update request.