smartsheet | Community Introduction corner for Japanese users

Learn from the experts in smartsheet | Community

Smartsheet Community Theconnect users,ask questions,A dedicated space to share ideas and stay up to date on the latest product features and best practicesOperated by Smartsheet.
(Click here for Community URL.

The image below is an example of a Community question.

Community question example

Although most of the community's content is in English, Cloudsmart recognizes the immense value of this community and actively participates in it, translating and summarizing its posts and interesting topics for the Japanese community. Corner introducing Community to Japanese usersdecided to set up

What is the Smartsheet Community?

Smartsheet Community is the leading cloud-based project management and collaboration platform.Online forum created by martsheetis. The Smartsheet Community isconnect users,ask questions,A dedicated space to share ideas and stay up to date on the latest product features and best practicesis.Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, the Smartsheet Community provides valuable resources and a supportive network to maximize your productivity.

Benefits of Joining the Smartsheet Community

Access to expertise

The Smartsheet community is a diverse group of professionals with extensive experience working with the platform.By actively participating in discussions and asking questions, you can leverage this wealth of knowledge and receive guidance from senior users on optimizing your workflow and solving any challenges you may encounter.

collaboration and networking

Expand your collaboration opportunities by engaging with fellow Smartsheet users in the community.faced the same issueusercan exchange ideas for overcoming obstacles.

Provide product feedback and ideas

At Smartsheet, we value user feedback and actively incorporate community input to improve our products..The community hasProduct Feedback & IdeasBy participating, you have a direct channel to share suggestions, report issues, and help shape the future of the platform.Your feedback may help us implement features that meet your specific needs, making Smartsheet an even more powerful tool for your projects.

How to use the Smartsheet Community

ask a question

Questions asked by members of the Smartsheet community and solutions provided by other members.
"Smartsheet Basic""Formulas and FunctionsChoose a category such as : Formulas and Functions and ask your question.
Tips for getting support from community membersIf possible, use a translation app to ask questions in English, andInclude specific information such as sheet images and formulas in the process of creation※It is. (When sharing the image, please be careful not to include personal information or other information that should not be leaked outside the company.)
*If you don't know what you are looking for, or if you don't know what you are looking for specifically, you won't feel like supporting it.

If you are not good at English, you can ask questions in (Occasionally, I see questions in Spanish, etc. There shouldn't be a rule that you have to ask questions in English.)
Cloudsmart is an unanswered question (unanswered), so if there is an unanswered Japanese question, I will try to answer it as much as possible.

take a peek at the discussion

If you don't have the courage to ask your own question,linksThen, enter English keywords like when you search Google for what you want to know, and search for questions similar to the challenges you face.
You may want to try translating the search results page by page using Google Translate.

Introducing Posts by Cloudsmart

Cloudsmart CEO Miyazaki jmyzk_cloudsmart_jpAsI participated in September XNUMX and mainly gathered information, but from XNUMX, I will activate community activities as part of my volunteer activities.[June 2023] class of Community Champions June XNUMX Community Championwas appointed as a new member of
In this cornerPostFrom among them, we will translate, summarize, and introduce Japanese users to those that are likely to be useful for Japanese users.

Introduction article example

Below are some examples of posts I've made so far.