How to use colors in Smartsheet

Good use of colors makes it easier to distinguish visually.
Also, the colors themselves are meaningful, like traffic lights, and it's easy to understand, for example, to display risky tasks in red.
I'm reluctant to post about colors by colorblind authors, but I'll summarize how to use colors in Smartsheet, which I'm careful about because I'm colorblind.

Smartsheet color setting function

Conditional format

One of the scenes where I use colors most oftenConditional formatis.You can make the entire row a specific color, or you can make a Gantt chart or card a specific color under certain conditions.

  • In the Gantt chart example above
    • Completed Gantt chart bar, displayed in blue color about progress
    • The parent row of the sheet is displayed in gray color according to the level.
      • The row level can be set automatically with the functions (Count (), Children (), Ancestors ()).

Visual sign

In the above example, the soundness isVisual signIt is displayed with a ball (blue, green, yellow, red).
This setting is also automated by the function expression *.
* Example = IF (state @row = “completed”, “Green”, IF (AND (state @row <> “completed Complete”, TODAY ()> end @row), “Red”, IF (AND (state @) row = “not started”), “Blue”, “Yellow”))))

Card edge color in card view

Card edge color in card view
Card edge color in card view

If you set the color of the Gantt chart bar in the conditional format, the color of the band on the left side of the card in the card view will be the same.

Dashboard title

Company-wide project management dashboard

The dashboard itself is a place for visual expression, and in particular, the design is improved by using a unified color for the title part such as reports and texts.
In the above example, the blue title is used as a whole, so be careful!Only the title of is using red.

Color palette

XNUMX% of Japanese men are colorblind

A color palette for yourself and XNUMX% Japanese male colorblind & Smartsheet users.

It is said that XNUMX in XNUMX Japanese men is colorblind.
By the way, the author is also a little reddish green.I did XNUMX or XNUMX in other subjects, but I have never taken more than XNUMX in art.

The first row is red

The second row is orange

The third row is yellow

The fourth row is green

5 column names are blue

The sixth row is purple

The 7th row is brown

The 8th row is black

Color specification best practices

From here on, the topic is common to normal people.

Use color as a clue

Color should be used for a clear functional purpose, not just a decoration.
For example, you might want to distinguish between clickable content and static content.
Explaining the status of a task (in progress, not started, completed) can also be used uniformly throughout the organization to allow users to make intuitive decisions based on color.

Corporate color

First, if you have a corporate color, one way is to use the same system.

In the Japan Post Group,

  • Mail, postal service is red,
  • Japan Post Bank is green,
  • Kanpo is blue,

It is recommended to use the same type of color and change the shade. (The more important ones are, the darker they are. For example, the top level is the darkest color and the characters are bold white characters.)

Up to 3 colors

For example, the basic color is the corporate color, the auxiliary color is one, and the accent color is one.
"Don't use more than three colors in one outfit, otherwise it will look like a clown or a parrot." – This is a good piece of advice for Rustylists.
Unless you are confident in the colors and design, you should limit the total number of colors used in your design. (The author of color blindness is the most applicable.)
If you need more colors, it is recommended that you use the same type of color and change the shade.

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