Why Smartsheet is the best way to manage multiple projects


One of Smartsheet's strongest areas isManage multiple projects in progress at the same timeis.I think that organizations often develop projects of the same type repeatedly and simultaneously while changing the period, market, etc.For example, projects such as system development, store development, and housing development correspond to this.
Smartsheet has the best requirements for managing many such concurrent projects.
In this article, SmartsheetGantt chartLet's focus on the features of and explain why Smartsheet is best for managing multiple projects.

Conditions for project management tools

Automatic schedule creation by task name, period, and dependency

Automation of project timeline construction

For project managers to efficiently create many concurrent projectsA tool that can automatically build a project timeline just by entering the task name, duration, and dependencies is required.
In SmartsheetProject settingsEnable DependenciesThen, if you change the start or end date of the defined predecessor task, the dates of the dependent tasks will be adjusted immediately.
It will be possible to automatically build a schedule in which the "end date" is automatically calculated from the "start date" using the "duration" of the task.

Reusable project template

Organizational projects are usuallyLogical relationship between tasksTherefore, it is necessary to make adjustments such as setting the period according to the actual situation for each task in each project, but the relationship between tasks is almost constant.
The project manager will ask about the same type of project.Analyze and cover tasks with WBSThen,Firmly set task name, period, and dependenciesThen, after that, the schedule can be automatically constructed by adjusting the start date or the scheduled end date of the project, the period of each task, etc.Scale to dozens or hundreds of projectsCan be done.
In addition, based on the experience gained in past projects, we will refine the project settings according to the actual situation.Reusable project templateWill be completed.

List management of many projects

Planning project aggregation Gantt chart

 In addition, project management tools have been builtBeing able to list and manage projectsIs required.View high-level summaries of individual projects in tabular or tabular + Gantt charts to quickly identify which projects are late, may be over budget, or at risk. , You need to be able to determine the response.
Smartsheet meets the needs of organizations such as companies running hundreds of projectsTherefore, as aboveManaging projects at the enterprise levelWe have evolved by adding various functions so that we can do it.
The following describes how the functions required for multiple project management are realized.

Functions required for project management

For project managementWEB, water flow, Gantt chartThere are various methods such as, but Smartsheet isCovers all major functions required for project managementHas been, especiallyThe most suitable platform for managing projects at the enterprise level, managing a large number of concurrent projects.

Compatible with WBS

Exhibition planning WBS map

Abbreviation for Work Breakdown Structure.A method of breaking down a process into detailed work and structuring it.The figure above shows the planning of the exhibition, covering, analyzing, and structuring the necessary tasks using a mind map.
In Smartsheet, it is possible to display using a dedicated column, and it is also possible to structure it using the indent function.
Also, if you set the indent structure, you can also use the Gantt chart.Roll-up functionIt is convenient to grasp the situation at each stage because the start, end, period, and% completion are automatically reflected (table and bar).
The planning project aggregation Gantt chart displayed above shows the information rolled up to the top parent row of each project sheet, filtered by the report.

Gantt chart is the strongest

One of the best features of Smartsheet

The Gantt chart in Smartsheet is very convenient andMany companies have introduced Smartsheet to use Gantt chartsIt can be said.
Gantt charts may not be impossible to achieve in Excel, but they require investment in macros and other considerable resources.Even in that case, there are limits to the functions that can be realized.also,Representative groupware of domestic companiesThe Gantt chart function is rudimentary and not suitable for full-scale project management.Competing platform made in the United StatesI also tried some, but it seems that design and intuitive operability are emphasized, but I think that there is a problem of taste, butSmartsheet is recommended for practical use.

Automatic drawing

When you set the start, end, dependency, and period, the Gantt chart is automatically drawn.
For example, if you change the start or end date of a defined predecessor task, the dates of dependent tasks will be adjusted immediately.

Gantt chart condition format% completed
Change the color of the bar by the conditional expression in the Gantt chart and display% completion

Gantt chart bar color display

Conditional formatIt is possible to set the color of the Gantt chart bar under various conditions. (Functions not found in major conflicts) Furthermore, by providing auxiliary columns for formatting conditions, more flexible condition setting is possible.
For example, in the above example, the color of the bar is changed based on the completed, in progress, and unstarted status.

In-bar display of task completion%

%completionIt is possible to display the progress rate in the taskbar based on the value in the column of (a function not found in major competitors).For example, in the above example, posting on the corporate homepage is 70% complete, so the display reflects that percentage.

Detailed dependency settings

Examples of dependencies FS, SF, etc.
Examples of dependencies FS, SF, etc.

In the Gantt chart above, communication, booth planning, and material preparation will begin after the milestone of completion of the project.End – Start (FS)Dependencies are set, and event preparation will be calculated back from the day of the exhibition.Start-End (SF)Dependencies are set.

  • End – Start (FS) – Dependent task starts after the end of the predecessor task.
  • End – End (FF) – Dependent tasks end at the same time as the predecessor task ends.
  • Start-Start (SS) -Dependent task starts at the same time as the start of the predecessor task.
  • Start-End (SF) -Dependent task ends before the start of the predecessor task.

Ragtime and lead time

Lead time and lag time in dependencies

You can finely set the inactivity period or overlapping period between the predecessor task and the dependent task. (Major competition is insufficient)

Calculation of the number of days considering non-working days

Example of setting non-working days such as holidays in the control center
Example of setting non-working days such as holidays in the control center

It can be set for the entire company or for each project. (Major competition is insufficient)
In the figure above, the Control Center sets non-working days, such as holidays, that apply company-wide.

Roll-up function to parent line

For tasks that have a parent-child relationship,Roll-up functionThe start, end, duration, and% completion of the child and grandchild tasks are automatically reflected in the parent line. (Features not found in major competitors)
In addition, by setting a formula in the parent line, it is possible to roll up other than start, end, period,% completion, for example, project health index, forecast status, etc.
In the above-mentioned "Planning project aggregation Gantt chart", the list of projects running in the entire organization is displayed in the Gantt chart by aggregating the top-level parent lines into another sheet (report).

Can be edited in the bar or in the table

You can drag the bar to edit the duration and dependencies as well as the main conflicts,Editable in both table and barWhat's great about Smartsheet.
As a matter of fact, in a large-scale project consisting of many tasks, it is more efficient to directly enter and edit numerical values ​​such as period and dependent rows in the table rather than dragging the bar one by one. increase.

View critical path

Baseline and critical path examples
Examples of critical paths and baselines

Whenever you change the date of a task or its relationship to a predecessor task, the data is automatically updated and always at that point in time.Critical pathThe task leading to is highlighted. (Major competition is insufficient)
In the above example, the task following budget setting, schedule setting, etc. is the critical path, but considering the layout at the bottom with plenty of room, ordering furniture, etc. is not the critical path.

Baseline settings

Baseline setting screen
Baseline setting screen

Set baselineBy doing the taskDifferences from the originally planned scheduleCan be easily compared. Smartsheet compares the baseline to the current bar in the Gantt chart (a feature not found in major competitors)
For example, in the above example, it is displayed that the subsequent tasks are delayed because the schedule setting took a period of XNUMX days over the plan.
In addition, since the baseline date data is also stored in the table, it is possible not only to visually check with the Gantt chart, but also to set formulas and perform advanced management such as automatic issuance of alerts based on differences. (Features not found in major competitors)
In addition, the baseline is easyCan be resetTherefore, you can set a new baseline and manage the project with a new plan according to the actual situation of the project.

Column information displayed on the right side of the Gantt bar

Timeline display settings
Timeline display settings

Set timeline displayBy setting, it is possible to set the display of any item in the table, such as whether to display the task, the person in charge, or the status. (Features not found in major competitors)
In the above example, the allocation destination (person in charge) is set to be displayed.

Aggregation of project related information

Smartsheet allows you to attach files line by line, sheet by sheet, and record conversations, so you can cover all your project information in one sheet.
Generally, such information is often found in various folders, personal computers, or emails, but it is possible to aggregate all the information into a sheet, and further structure the lines with WBS / indent. By attaching files to each line and having conversations, it is possible to manage logical project-related information.

Functions suitable for integrated management of multiple projects

Utilization of multi-sheet reports

Using reports in SmartsheetSelect information that spans multiple sheets based on certain criteriaHowever, there is a function to display the Gantt chart. (Features not found in major competitors)
For example, run hundreds of projects a yearDevelopment projectFor customers who are doing this, we will set up a sheet for each project.Extract information on projects related to project participants, participating vendors, etc.However, it is used for load adjustment of project members and vendors.
Similar techniqueSystem developmentHowever, it is also used, and it is possible to create a sheet for each project for multiple simultaneous projects, narrow down the tasks by a specific SE, and grasp the business status across multiple projects of that SE.

Aggregation of high-level information by rollup + report

Gantt chart list high-level schedules of dozens of projects operated by an organization in one tableIt is also possible to display. (Features not found in major competitors) → See "Listing a large number of projects" above.
Specifically, if you set the indent structureRoll-up functionThe start, end, period, and% completion are automatically reflected in the parent row and parent Gantt chart (table and bar).レポートAggregates sheets from multiple projects and filters the top-level parent row.

Planning project aggregation Gantt chart

Placement of links to individual project sheets

As needed, like Sheet Name in the example above, for each projectPlace sheet linksIf you identify the problematic part by doing so,Drill downIt is possible to check the details.
In addition, a table that summarizes the progress status, risk status, etc. from the sheet for each projectAggregate function across sheetsIt is possible to perform advanced management at the organization-wide level by aggregating with and displaying it on the dashboard, and combining it with automation.

High security, auditability

A project involving many stakeholdersInWho made what edits and browsedEtc. are important from the viewpoint of security, audit, etc., but Smartsheet isKeep all history of editing, viewing, sending, etc.It realizes the high level of security and auditability required for corporate project management.
Smartsheet also displays the person responsible for creating or modifying information.Accountability to stakeholdersIt is possible to have.

  • Complete storage of history for each sheet and cell (feature not found in major competitors)
    • You can check all the editing and browsing history related to the sheet from the activity log.
    • You can check the edit history of each cell in the cell history

Basic sheet design flexibility

Compared to major competitors, the base sheet design is more flexible and can be customized for any type of project management. (Major competition is insufficient)
For example, there are some customers who have made advanced customizations and realized the same functions as the project management application for specific business fields. (Example, housing construction industry)

Various column types

  • "Character string / numerical value" column → Excel-like functions are available and advanced customization such as automation
  • "Contact list" column → Various automations such as alerts are possible
  • "Date" column → Advanced customer experience by automating with date data and using functions
  • "Drop-down list (single selection)" column, "Drop-down list (multiple selection)" column → Input standardization
  • "Checkbox", "Symbol" column → Improved visibility of the project
  • "Automatic number assignment / system" column → Uncorrectable system values ​​can also be used for auditing purposes

Possibility of reusing existing resources such as Excel

Currently, the ability to reuse project information in formats such as Excel in the past is an important consideration when introducing a new project management platform.
Organizations often manage data for various projects on an Excel basis, but Smartsheet allows you to import Excel table data without converting it to a special format, so you can make effective use of existing resources. ..

  • Smartsheet does not need to be processed into a specific format and then imported, which is advantageous for utilizing existing resources such as Excel.
  • For major competitors with decent functionality in Gantt charts, you need to import in a special format


Smartsheet couldn't be introduced here,Resource managementIt covers the main functions required for project management, such as the functions of.The table + Gantt chart basic sheet, which is similar to Excel and Microsoft projects, can display a large amount of information and can efficiently formulate projects.
Smartsheet is the best platform for managing projects at the enterprise level, managing many concurrent projects.

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