Project Management Basic Sheet (Workshop 3)

Since I know the basics of WBS and project management, if you want to explain the Gantt chart etc. peculiar to Smartsheet, please read from the sheet edition, sheet preparation.


Abbreviation for Work Breakdown Structure.It is a method to break down the process into small work (Work) and structure it (Structure).Here, in this workshop, we will create a WBS for project management, sheet creation and dashboard creation procedures.

Mind map method

The figure below is a mind map called Mindmup that I often use.It can be used as an add-on for Google Drive, which is useful for people using Google Works pce.

Benefits of mind maps

Mind maps have several advantages.

  • Mind maps give you a complete picture, paying close attention to the details.
  • By visualizing using a mind map and breaking it down into topics, subtopics, etc., you can work on the analysis of the structure of a complex project step by step.
  • By drawing a map, you may notice relationships and groups that you wouldn't find otherwise.
Mind map example (project management workshop)

Smartsheet indentation method

In Smartsheet, it is possible to display using a dedicated column, and it is also possible to structure it using the indent function.
Also, if you set the indent structure, you can also use the Gantt chart.Roll-up functionIt is convenient to grasp the situation at each stage because the start, end, period, and% completion are automatically reflected (table and bar).

Example of WBS with smart sheet

Sheet edition

Seat preparation

First, prepare a sheet to manage the tasks of the project.

Standard project template

If you want to create a project management sheet on a white background, it is recommended to use the standard project template.The second template below is the standard project template.
The merit is that the project settings explained later are set in advance, so you can manage the project by adding tasks etc. immediately.
In addition, in order to put a lot of information, delete the comment attached as standard andUsing conversation (comment)Also, it may be good to change to short Chinese characters such as assignment destination → charge, preceding task → preceding, status → status, etc.

Solution Center, Create from Template
Solution Center, Create from Template

Add tasks and indent

Based on the structure examined by WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)taskAnd addIndentI will continue to do.Regarding the benefits of Smartsheet indentation,This articlePlease see.

Add milestones

MilestoneMeans an important milestone in the schedule.
In Smartsheet, you can create milestones by setting the duration to zero.
As I will explain later in the dashboard section, it is also possible to create a milestone report and show it on the dashboard by using the zero period as a filter.

Example of milestone, period is 0

Project settings

Of the sheetProject settingsAllows you to customize various aspects of your sheet, including up and down hours, Gantt display settings, and resource management.

The image of the sheet after this stage isIt is like this.

Formatting etc. is the previous stage in the standard project template

Dependency settings

Of SmartsheetDependencyThe feature allows you to automatically calculate and adjust the date even if the values ​​for the duration (the time it takes to complete the work) and the predecessor task (the first thing that needs to happen) change.

Predecessor task settings

You can specify a predecessor task to create a dependency between the two tasks.
We will set the preceding task based on the logical relationship between the tasks examined by WBS (for example, task B can be started only after task A is completed).

Start date setting

Set the start date based on the actual situation of the project.
If the next period is not set, each task will be started and ended based on the setting of the preceding task as the period XNUMX day, and it will be possible to display the Gantt chart with the dependency between tasks. ..

Adjustment of period

If nothing is set as above, the period will be set to XNUMX day by default, so adjust the period according to the actual situation of each task.
You can also set the period for each task first and then set the start date.
In any case, the end date of the entire project will be calculated automatically.


Allocate tasks to the person in charge.

Item addition / function setting

Add task and project risk and health indicators to a sheet created based on the basic project template, and format the Gantt chart bars and parent rows with the following "Conditional Formatting" By doing so, you can make the sheet of the project visual.

A standard project template will suffice, but if you want to manage attributes for each task, add more items.
Frequently used is the risk below.Also, in the English version of the Smartsheet template, Project Health is a RYG (red, yellow, green) ball that sets the project task, the milestones of its superordinate concept, and the health of the entire project based on a certain standard. It is often displayed as a red-yellow-green or RYGB (blue-green-yellow-red) ball.

Examples of risk and health symbols.p


When there is some risk in a project task, we often use a symbolic flag to indicate that there is a risk.

Schedule delay (soundness), etc.

For example, if you have a health item, green if the task is complete, yellow if it is not completed and today (obtained by the Today () function) is not overdue, yellow, due date If it has passed, create a function with the idea of ​​red and display it with the symbol of the RYG (red, yellow, green) ball.
For example,= IF ([% Done] @row <> 1, IF (TODAY ()> End @row, “Red”, “Yellow”), “Green”) .

Critical path

The critical path can be displayed on the Gantt chart, but since it has a dedicated function, it can also be displayed as a symbol.
Some people who look at the sheet may not know that the critical path can be displayed from the symbols such as the three horizontal bars on the upper right, so in the example below, "priority" (the critical path is fine, too). ) Can be provided to indicate that the entire schedule will be delayed if the task is delayed.
The function expression is = ISCRITICAL (task name @row) .

Function display of critical path

Status from completion%

Since the completion% and the completion, unstarted, etc. of the status have a logical relationship, for example, the status can be automatically entered from the completion% in the formula of the function below.
= IF ([% Done] @row = 1, “Done”, IF ([% Done] @row> 0, “In Progress”, “Not Started”)
To make sure that the completion% is entered and the status (or status, etc.) is not entered directly, use "Column expression".
To allow the user to enter a status value regardless of the function's formula, make it a "cell formula".

Conditional formatting

Conditional formattingYou can use to make it visually appealing and easy to read, such as automatically highlighting important information in the sheet.
Also, reports and dashboards don't allow conditional formatting, soMake the necessary formatting at the sheet stageThere is a need.
In project management, the Gantt bar color can be set automatically according to the status.
You can also format the parent row individually, but you can also format it automatically according to the level of the row hierarchy.

Gantt bar color

To apply a color to the Gantt bar in the Gantt view of a conditional row, specify the bar color in Apply this format in the conditional format and apply the rule to the entire row.

Gun and bar condition formatting

Parent line

To automatically calculate the hierarchy level of the parent row with a function and apply conditional formatting, provide a hierarchy level item, for example, calculate the hierarchy with the following formula.
= COUNT (ANCESTORS (task name @row))
For this formula, the top task isANCESTORSSince the number of (ancestor rows) is zero, it will be 0, and the next hierarchy will be XNUMX.

Part XNUMX Dashboard (Notice)

Now that the project management sheet is almost complete, this workshop will be divided here, and next time, in the dashboard edition, we will explain how to visually convey the project essence to stakeholders.

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